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Une animation fluide et des mécanismes simples rendent le jeu incroyablement attrayant et vous ne voulez pas vous en séparer même quelques minutes après le début du jeu (ce qui est rare parmi les jeux créés par des débutants). Je vois une percée depuis le dernier match, ce qui est une bonne nouvelle. Je vous souhaite un succès continu dans la création de jeux aussi amusants.

make a linux build please.

Uploaded a linux build but can't test it. I tried running the game on my old mac and got very low performance.

tried the first 2 levels. In my opinion object animations are really smooth, music is pretty good, sound effects too. Obiously it is a tiny game, but I do see some room for improvement : UI text font is way too little, I have to concentrate in order to understand the words when in the settings menu; as mentioned in the game description by yourself, default controls are pretty bad; finally, the player can walk on emptiness (at least at some locations on level 2), but still fall on others. Overall the game could be very nice at its level, but it does need some work. Very good job anyways :)

Thank you for your feedback. The player consist of two tiles so he won't fall down when at least one tile touches the ground. I guess it's not really visually clear. So it's not a bug it's a main game mechanic.

Визуально просто класс. Головоломки достаточно сложные. На телефон бы портировать(